Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Carrot Sweet Pudding( Gazar ka Halwa)

1 k carrot
1 Ltr full cream milk 
2 Cup Sugar
250 gm Butter
5 Green Small Cardamom

For Garnishing:-
250 gm Almond
250 Cashewnut
250 gm Currant

First Great carrot then put on stove in a pan,and add the heat it till water starts boiling  and  let the excess water dry add the butter ,sugar ,green small cardmom, and heat  it  and keep stirring and let the excess water dry. Now garnish with grounded almond,cashew nut  and currant.
Serve it hot or cold.
This dish is very famous in India and it is served in the function, party and at home for the guest .

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